Little things. Life is made up of little things and sometimes life is just too short to let those little things matter. 

You make a mistake and it affects no one, that is a little thing that needs to be let go. 

Your child does something stupid, they learn from their mistake and don't do it again. Little thing that needs to be let go.

You say something you wish you wouldn't have, you apologize and mean it. Little thing that needs to be let go.

Life is a measured number of years and filled with mistakes, regrets and just plain stupidity. No one knows how long they will be on this big marble we call earth, but while we are here we need to let the little things go. Putting others down to raise yourself up is no way to live, let the little things go.

date April 23, 2009

1 comments to “Life is too short”

  1. Deb
    April 23, 2009 at 9:19 AM

    Agreed -- don't sweat the small stuff.

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