After buying two things in the store and spending a little time online I am officially done with my Christmas shopping! I was not looking forward to shopping in the stores, the crowds annoy me, so I started looking for a few things and ideas online and spent a good amount of time on new favorite website. I got 90% of the gifts there, and the rest on other websites that Amazon linked to so I feel I can trust them. Now the kids, and Dan, have strict instructions they are not allowed to open any packages that are delivered! It is a good feeling to have everything done and out of the way, now all I have to do is wrap them all...I am thinking Christmas themed bags this year!

date November 26, 2008

1 comments to “It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas”

  1. pamela
    November 26, 2008 at 9:33 AM

    When I got Gary's laptop I had it sent to my neighbors house but the bill came to my house. Guess who opened the bill even though it was addressed to me. I won't let him forget that one. I have done a lot of shopping on the internet this year also as it is so easy no crowds.

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